Monday 27 August 2007

It was tempting fate. Weeks ago, before the full extent of the autumnal summer weather was known, we arranged with friends to meet up for a picnic over the August bank holiday weekend. Ordinarily it should be sufficient for a bank holiday weekend to summon cold and wet weather. This summer, traditional bank holiday weather has taken over as the norm with household after household weakening and firing up the central heating weeks before it would usually be switched on. So contemplating a picnic was really a flight of fancy rather than any serious thinking. A nod to summer promises and delights rather than reality.

Last week the time came to plan the day. Prudently we agreed to meet up at the Albert Memorial. Not to provide any shelter from the rain as it is fenced off from the public. But to provide easy access to the open spaces of Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park - maintaining the illusion that we would be dining al fresco - as well as the indoor picnicking areas in the nearby Science, Natural History and Victoria & Albert museums where obviously the weather would banish us.

But something strange happened. Maybe it was two negatives (v.poor summer weather plus traditional bank holiday weather) making a positive. The day was glorious as can be seen here.

A sky for the album and many thanks to F, H, B, T, C, F & M for a fabulous day.

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